On this page I publish information about any srebrenniks that come to my attention, either from sales on auctions recognised worldwide to privately sold or exchanged specimen. Coin descriptions, provenance and authenticity information details are published AS IS as represented by the sellers even if erroneous or if the coin authenticity may be in doubt. The purpose of this page is to provide information on published sales only. If you spot any inaccurate information or can provide substantiated information about the coin authenticity, please contact me to reflect this. In such cases, I will include my editorial comments for specific items.

Public Sales | Private Sales and Offers

Public Sales

Roma Numismatics, Auction E-LIVE 7, Lot 616 Sviatopolk I Vladimirovich Srebrennik. Type 4

Roma Numismatics, Auction E-LIVE 7, Lot 616
Date: Jul 17, 2023


Lot 616. Russia, Kievan Rus (Principality). Sviatopolk I Vladimirovich (The Accursed), as Grand Prince of Kiev AR Srebrennik. Circa 1015-1019. CFCΠΛΠΠ...- NCTO..., prince enthroned facing holding with right hand long cross potent with four pellets in arms and left hand on breast / [ACEE]ΓΟ - CΕΡGbΡΟ, royal tamgha of the Rurik dynasty in the form of a diving falcon, with cruciform right wing. Cf. Sotnikova & Spassky Type 4, 179-197; O. Pritsak, The Origins of the Old Rus' Weights and Monetary Systems. (Cambridge, MA. 1998), p. 127, 179-1 and p. 128, 179-1. 2.72g, 28mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine; flan chips and split, but well struck for the type. Very Rare.

Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd., E-Sale 73, 23 July 2020, lot 1432.

Sviatopolk I Vladimirovich, also known as the 'Accursed' due to his cold-blooded reprisals, was the eldest surviving son of Vladimir the Great in an era of fratricidal uncertainty, eventually succeeded to the throne of Kiev in 1015. He continued without a break the production of his father's coinage. This new silver coinage was obviously influenced by the broad Byzantine silver miliarensia, even broader and thinner Sasanian drachms and Islamic Dirhams that circulated throughout the early Russian regions of Novgorod, Muscovy and the north of the Kieven state from the 6th to the 10th centuries AD.

This extraordinary silver coin type, called 'srebrenniki', depicts on the obverse the enthroned monarch surrounded by a pseudo Greek legend, usually garbled, stating his name and followed by the formula: NA STOLE 'on the throne'. The reverse depicts the tamgha of the Rurik dynasty in the form of a diving falcon, sometimes defined as a 'two pronged fork or bident', with around the usually garbled legend: A SIE EGO SREBRO 'and this his silver'.

Starting Price: GBP 1'320
Estimate: GBP 2'200
Realized: Not sold

NUMISMATiK NAUMANN, Auction 118, Lot 1288 Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Great (980-1015). Srebrennik. Type I

NUMISMATiK NAUMANN, Auction 118, Lot 1288
Date: Jul 3, 2022


Lot 1288. RUSSIA. Kievan Rus. Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Great (980-1015). Srebrennik. Type I.
Obv: Bust of Christ Pantocrator facing.
Rev: Half-length facing bust of Vladimir, holding cross-tipped sceptre; trident to right.
Sotnikova & Spasskij type I.
Condition: Fine.
Weight: 1.18 g.
Diameter: 22 mm.

Starting Price: EUR 80
Estimate: EUR 100
Realized: -

Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd, Sale 129, Session 7, Lot 1474 Vladimir I billon srebrennik Type III

Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd, Sale 129, Session 7, Lot 1474
Date: 30 March 2022


RUSSIA, Kievan Rus, Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Great, (980-1015 A.D.), billon srebrennik, (3.92 g), Type III, struck circa 1010-1015, obv. "Vladimir on the throne" (in Cyrillic), Vladimir enthroned facing, holding orb with both hands and cradling cross-scepter in right arm, rev. "And This is His Silver" (in Cyrillic), royal symbol of Rurick, (cf.Grierson, Coins of Medieval Europe 120, cf.Sotnikova & Spassky 144 var. (legends), cf.Chernetsov pl. I, 3, Spassky fig. 32.3.). Toned, some surface roughness, very fine and rare.

Starting Price: -
Estimate: $500
Realized: $6,500

Srebrennik Vladimir Type III Lot 985

KATZ AUCTION 57, Lot 985
Date: Mar 19-20, 2022


Lot 985. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir the Great type III 1011 - 1015 Silver; 2,52 g.; отличный сребреник III-го типа; монета отчеканена в финальный период княжения Владимира Святославича (Святого), предположительно - в Киеве (или Чернигове), в 1011-1015-х годах, экземпляр наиболее близок к группе штемпелей № 117-119 по Корпусу древнейших русских монет X-XI веков Сотниковой М.П.; на аверсе изображён усатый князь на троне, в руках он держит посох наискосок с навершием в виде креста; круговая легенда: ВЛАДИМИРЪ НА СТОЛЕ ; на реверсе изображён родовой знак Владимира в виде трезубца, круговая легенда А СЕ ЕГО СРЕБРО; рельеф монеты в превосходном состоянии, большая часть изображений и надписей прекрасно сохранились, несмотря на некоторые старые утраты; сребреник тяжёлый, крупный, толстый, крепкий, чрезвычайно красивый и в звоне; к лоту прилагается экспертное заключение о подлинности.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'151

Srebrennik Vladimir Type II Lot 986

KATZ AUCTION 57, Lot 986
Date: Mar 19-20, 2022


Lot 986. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir 956 - 1015 Type II Silver 1.83 g.; сребреник Владимира, II-й тип.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'302

Srebrennik Vladimir Type IV Lot 987

KATZ AUCTION 57, Lot 987
Date: Mar 19-20, 2022


Lot 987. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir 956 - 1015 Type IV Silver 1.83 g.; сребреник Владимира, IV-й тип.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'402

Srebrennik Svyatopolk Type II Lot 988

KATZ AUCTION 57, Lot 988
Date: Mar 19-20, 2022


Lot 988. Russia Srebrenik by Svyatopolk Vladimirovich 979 - 1019 Type II Silver 1.83 g.; сребреник Владимира, II-й тип.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'402

Srebrennik Vladimir Type I Lot 2319

KATZ AUCTION 55, Lot 2319
Date: Feb 12-13, 2022


Lot 2319. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir Type I. Subtype II. 1011 - 1015 Silver 2,83 g.; сребреник I-й тип, II-й подтип; монета отчеканена в правление Владимира Святославича, предположительно - в Киеве (или Чернигове), в 1011-1015-х годах, и относится к самым первым выпускам монет этого князя; экземпляр наиболее близок к № 22 по Корпусу монет X-XI веков; на аверсе изображён князь анфас и в рост, ступни его повёрнуты влево, в правой руке посох с навершием в виде креста, левая рука на груди, справа от князя размещено изображение княжеского знака; круговая легенда: ВЛАДИМИРЪ А СЕ ЕГО СРЕБРО; на реверсе Иисус Христос Вседержитель, в левой руке Евангелие в окладе, круговая легенда: +IСУСЪ ХРИСТОСЪ; к монете приклёпано классическое домонгольское медное ушко с тремя ребрами, таким образом монета превращена в награду, либо в подвесное украшение; дальнейшее бытование денег в качестве наград или украшений - давняя традиция на Руси; в данном случае мы имеем вторичное использование монеты уже не в качестве денег, благодаря чему, возможно, монета и сохранилась; к лоту прилагается экспертиза о подлинности.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'351

Srebrennik Vladimir Type III Lot 2320

KATZ AUCTION 55, Lot 2320
Date: Feb 12-13, 2022


Lot 2320. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir Type III. Subtype III. 1011 - 1015 Silver 0,00 g.; сребреник Владимира, III-й тип, III-й подтип, Каталог Рублева № V.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'441

Srebrennik Vladimir Type III Lot 2321

KATZ AUCTION 55, Lot 2321
Date: Feb 12-13, 2022


Lot 2321. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir Type IV. Subtype II. 1011 - 1015 Silver 0,00 g.; сребреник Владимира, IV-й тип, II-й подтип, Каталог Рублева № V.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'151

Srebrennik Vladimir Type IV Lot 2322

KATZ AUCTION 55, Lot 2322
Date: Feb 12-13, 2022


Lot 2322. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir Type IV. Subtype II. 1011 - 1015 Silver 0,00 g.; сребреник Владимира, IV-й тип, II-й подтип, Каталог Рублева № V.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'151

Srebrennik Vladimir Type III Lot 2

Date: Nov 26-28, 2021


Lot 2. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, Silver 2.26 g.; Type III; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015).

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'121

Srebrennik Vladimir Type IV Lot 3

Date: Nov 26-28, 2021


Lot 3. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Silver 2.67 g.; V. Type IV; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015).

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'351

Srebrennik Vladimir V. Lot 4

Date: Nov 26-28, 2021


Lot 4. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Silver 3.28 g.; V.; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015).

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'361

Srebrennik Svyatopolk Vladimirovich Type II S. Lot 5

Date: Nov 26-28, 2021


Lot 5. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 1015 - 1019 (ND) Svyatopolk Vladimirovich the “Damned” Silver 2.87 g.; S. "ПЕТРОС" Type II; Svyatopolk Vladimirovich the “Damned” (919-1019).

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'851

Lot 240 Wladimir I 980-1015 Srebrennik Typ III

Via GmbH – Via Auktion 1 (Saal), Lot 240
Date: 23 Nov 2021


Lot 240. RUSSLAND. Kiew - Großfürstentum. Wladimir I. 980-1015 Srebrennik. Typ III. Av.: Wladimir von Vorne sitzend. Rv.: Tamgha. 1,84 g Kam: 111 Sehr selten! Randausbruch, vorzüglich.

Starting Price: EUR 8'000
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Lot 241. Kiew Wladimir I 980-1015 Srebrennik Typ III

Via GmbH – Via Auktion 1 (Saal), Lot 241
Date: 23 Nov 2021


Lot 241. RUSSLAND. Kiew - Großfürstentum. Wladimir I. 980-1015 Srebrennik. Typ III. Av.: Wladimir von Vorne sitzend. Rv.: Tamgha. 1,99 g Sehr selten! Randausbruch, tlw. korrodiert.

Starting Price: EUR 8'00
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Srebrennik Vladimir Type III Lot 752

Date: 23 - 24 Oct 2021


Lot 752. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Silver 2.23 g.; Type III; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015); with Results of Spectral Analysis made by Center for Cultural Values Studies / с результатами спектрального анализа Центра исследований культурных ценностей.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Russia Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Type III Lot 753

Date: 23 - 24 Oct 2021


Lot 753. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Silver 2.21 g.; Type III; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015).

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Russia Kiev Srebrennik Svyatopolk Vladimirovich Type II PETROS Lot 754

Date: 23 - 24 Oct 2021


Lot 754. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 1015 - 1019 (ND) Svyatopolk Vladimirovich the “Damned” Silver 1.96 g.; S. "ПЕТРОС" Type II; Svyatopolk Vladimirovich the “Damned” (919-1019).

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Srebrennik Vladimir Sviatoslavich Type 1 Lot 1059

ROMA Numismatics, Auction XXII, Lot 1059
Date: 7 October 2021


Russia, Kievan Rus (Principality). Vladimir Sviatoslavich 'the Great' AR Srebrennik. Circa AD 988-1015. BhOTO...CHY HΛΛΗΑΡΙ (retrograde), crowned figure of Vladimir enthroned facing with feet to left, holding long cross-sceptre, royal Rurick symbol in right field / bCOTCB XΠΥCH (retrograde), nimbate bust of Christ Pantocrator facing. Cf. Sotnikova-Spassky Type 1 (17, 1-15); Kaim p.41, 1-4. 2.02g, 25mm, 6h. Very Fine; unusually intact. Extremely Rare. From the inventory of a UK dealer. Vladimir Sviatoslavich 'the Great' was prince of Novgorod from 969 to around 977, grand prince of Kiev and ruler of Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1015, which included most of western Russia from the Black to the White Seas. This issue is highly significant, not least because it is one of the few surviving coins of this period which has survived intact, but also because it is the first time the Rurik dynastic trident, which later became the national symbol of Ukraine appears on a coin.

Starting Price: -
Estimate: GBP 2'000
Realized: GBP 2'000

Russia Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Type 1 Lot 1491

KATZ, AUCTION 48, Lot 1491
Date: 17 - 19 Sep 2021


Lot 1491. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Silver 1.29 g.; Type I, Legend Variant IV; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015); VF.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'851

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Type I Lot 1492

KATZ, AUCTION 48, Lot 1492
Date: 17 - 19 Sep 2021


Lot 1492. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Silver 2.55 g.; Type I, Legend Variant IV; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015); VF-XF.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'851

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Type II Lot 1493

KATZ, AUCTION 48, Lot 1493
Date: 17 - 19 Sep 2021


Lot 1493. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Silver 2.05 g.; Type II; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015); VF-XF.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2'851

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich GP 15 A Lot 1946

KATZ, AUCTION 46, Lot 1946
Date: 31 Jul - 1 Aug 2021


Lot 1946. Russia Kiev AR Srebrennik 1015 - 1016. Silver 1,81g.; GP 15 A; R-2; князь анфас, в руке посох с навершием в виде креста; обратная сторона - княжеский знак с круговой легендой.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Type II Lot 1945

KATZ, AUCTION 46, Lot 1945
Date: 31 Jul - 1 Aug 2021


Lot 1945. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Silver 2.59 g., 21.1 - 25.1 mm.; Type II; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015); with Expert Conclusion; VF-XF.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Type I Lot 1944

KATZ, AUCTION 46, Lot 1944
Date: 31 Jul - 1 Aug 2021


Lot 1944. Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Silver 2.62 g., 21.9 - 24.8 mm.; Type I, Legend Variant IV; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015); with Expert Conclusion; VF-XF.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Type III Lot 365

VIA GmbH, E-Auction 5, Lot 365
Date: 2 July 2021


RUSSLAND. Kiew - Großfürstentum. Wladimir I. 980-1015 Srebrennik, Typ III. Av.: Wladimir von vorne sitzend. Rv.: Tamgha. Selten! Randausbrüche, sehr schön

Starting Price: EUR 900
Realized: Unsold

Russia Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

KATZ, AUCTION 44, Lot 1242
Date: 18 Jun 2021


Russia Kiev Srebrennik 978 - 1015 (ND) (+VIDEO) Silver 2,44g.; Vladimir Svyatoslavovich; XF

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 4'458

Russia Srebrennik Sotnikova: p.107 #202 Silver 3.1g with Experts Papers VF

KATZ, AUCTION 44, Lot 1244
Date: 18 Jun 2021


Russia Srebrennik 1015 - 1016 (ND) Sotnykova: p.107 # 202; Silver 3,1g.; with Experts Papers; VF

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 1'886

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Sviatoslavich Lot 1630

ROMA, E-SALE 83, Lot 1630
Date: 6 May 2021


Lot 1630. Russia, Principality of Kiev. Vladimir Sviatoslavich 'the Great' AR Srebrennik. Circa AD 988-1015. BH-MHAY - CEEO, crowned figure of Vladimir enthroned facing with feet to left, holding long cross-sceptre, royal symbol of Rurick in right field / HC - XC, bust of Christ Pantocrator facing, right hand raised in blessing and left holding gospels. Cf. Sotnikova-Spassky 28-3; Kaim p.42, 1. 2.21g, 29mm, 6h. Very Fine. Completely intact and Extremely Rare. From the inventory of a UK dealer. Vladimir Sviatoslavich, called 'the Great', was Prince of Novgorod from 969 to about 977, Grand Prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1015. This, like the few other surviving coins of this period, represents an important historical document of the emergence of Russia from the dark ages, the first employment of what would become the Kievan national emblem, and the emergence of Russia as a distinct nation-state.

Starting Price: GBP 1'200
Estimate: GBP 2'000
Realized: GBP 3'400

Kiev Srebrennik Vladimir Sviatoslavich Lot 1631

ROMA, E-SALE 83, Lot 1631
Date: 6 May 2021


Lot 1631. Russia, Principality of Kiev. Vladimir Sviatoslavich 'the Great' AR Srebrennik. Circa AD 988-1015. B...MPACPA, nimbate, crowned and bearded figure of Vladimir facing, holding sceptre ending in cross-potent with pellet finials and wearing elaborate garment, no feet below / ACEEI-C-P-X...O, royal tamgha of the Rurik dynasty in the form of a diving falcon. Cf. Sotnikova-Spassky 54-70. 2.36g, 29mm, 6h. Very Fine. Completely intact and Extremely Rare. From the inventory of a UK dealer. Vladimir Sviatoslavich, called 'the Great', was Prince of Novgorod from 969 to about 977, Grand Prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1015. This, like the few other surviving coins of this period, represents an important historical document of the emergence of Russia from the dark ages, the first employment of what would become the Kievan national emblem, and the emergence of Russia as a distinct nation-state.

Starting Price: GBP 1'200
Estimate: GBP 2'000
Realized: -

Kiev Srebrennik Sotnikova page 96-104 Silver with Expert Papers XF Lot 2773

Katz Auction, AUCTION 42, Lot 2773
Date: 15 April 2021


Russia Srebrennik 1015 - 1016 Sotnikov page 96-104; Silver; with Expert Papers; XF.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Realized: EUR 8'200

Lot 2125 Kiev Srebrenik Vladimir Sotnikova #52-90

Katz Auction, AUCTION 41, Lot 2125
Date: 4 - 7 Mar 2021


Lot 2125. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir 978 - 1015 Sotnikova# 52-90; Silver 2,43g.; with Experts Docs; XF.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Realized: EUR 5'200

Discussion of this coin on www.staraya-moneta.ru: https://www.staraya-moneta.ru/forum/forum86/topic307520

>Lot 2187. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir 978 - 1015 Kiev. Silver; 2,43g

Katz Auction, AUCTION 40, Lot 2187
Date: 28 - 31 Jan 2021


Lot 2187. Russia Srebrenik by Vladimir 978 - 1015 Kiev. Silver; 2,43g., 28.1-29.5mm; сребреник Владимира; II тип; с Экспертным заключением.

Starting Price: EUR 5
Realized: EUR 5'200

Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great Srebrennik ND (980-1015) VF25 ANACS, S&S Type II, 107-1

Heritage Auctions, AUCTION - DALLAS #3088, Lot 35085
Date: 5 - 6 Nov 2020


Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great Srebrennik ND (980-1015) VF25 ANACS, S&S Type II, 107-1. Vladimir standing facing with very narrow shoulders and pearled nimbus, cross on breast, cross-tipped scepter in right hand, pulling left to chest; all within beaded border with corrupted legend, perhaps: Vladimir na stole ("Vladimir on the throne") / large trizub with legend surrounding; all within beaded border with corrupted legend: a se yego srebro ("and this is his silver"). A very rare issue and a generally rather fine specimen for the type, chipping kept to an overall minimum, the strike relatively well-centered with only localized weakness. Recent sales records reveal a general paucity of this particular subtype, with issues of subtype III (where the prince appears enthroned) appearing with more regularity. Mislabeled on the holder as an issue of Vladimir II, Monomakh. HID05401242017© 2020 Heritage Auctions | All Rights Reserved.

Starting Price: USD 500
Estimate: USD 1'000
Realized: USD 3'840

Kievan Rus. Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Great. 980-1015. AR Srebrennik (22mm, 2.13 g, 6h)

Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 476, Lot 659
Date: 9 September 2020


RUSSIA, Kievan Rus. Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Great. 980-1015. AR Srebrennik (22mm, 2.13 g, 6h). Christ Pantocrator facing;c rude HC XC around / Half-length facing bust of Vladimir, holding cross-tipped scepter; trident to right. Sotnikova & Spasskij Type IV, 28; cf. O. Pritsak, The Origins of the Old Rus' Weights and Monetary Systems (Cambridge, MA. 1998), p. 135, Table I-11, 2. Fragmentary, ragged wavy flan, deposits. Near VF. Very rare. From the Todd Hansen Collection. Ex Baldwin’s 91 (25 September 2014), lot 3689.

Starting Price: -
Estimate: USD 200
Realized: USD 1'200

Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great Srebrennik ND (980-1015) Fine (Bent, Edge Chips)

Heritage Auctions 2020 February 13 Thursday World & Ancient Coins Weekly Online Auction #232007, Lot 62384
Date: 13 February 2020


Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great Srebrennik ND (980-1015) Fine (Bent, Edge Chips), S&S-Type III, 120. 26.3mm. 2.27gm.

Starting Price: -
Estimate: -
Realized: USD 1'140

Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir II Monomakh silver Srebrennik ND (1113-1125) AG3 (Holed) ANACS

Heritage Auctions 2020 February 6 Thursday World & Ancient Coins Weekly Online Auction #232006, Lot 61413
Date: 6 February 2020


Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir II Monomakh silver Srebrennik ND (1113-1125) AG3 (Holed) ANACS, cf. S&S-Type II, 52-60, cf. CNG Triton XX, Lot 1364.

Starting Price: -
Estimate: -
Realized: USD 1'020

Note: this item has been reported to be a fake

Principality of Kiev Vladimir I 980-1015. BI Srebrennik (3.15 g, 12h). Type III

Classical Numismatic Group
Sale: Triton XXIII, Lot: 1204.
Date: 15 January 2020

RUSSIA, Kievan Rus. Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Great. 980-1015. BI Srebrennik (29.5mm, 3.15 g, 12h). Type III. Struck circa 1010-1015. “Vladimir on the throne” (in Cyrillic), Vladimir enthroned facing, holding orb with both hands and cradling cross-scepter in right arm / “And This is His Silver” (in Cyrillic), royal symbol of Rurick. Grierson, Coins of Medieval Europe 120; Sotnikova & Spassky 144 var. (legends); cf. Chernetsov pl. I, 3; Spassky fig. 32.2. Toned, deep flan crack. Good VF. Among the finest ever offered at auction.
From the Richard A. Jourdan Collection of Medieval European Coins. Ex Triton IX (10 January 2006), lot 1990.

Estimate: USD 7'500
Realized: USD 7'000

Киевская Русь. Князь Владимир Святославич. Сребреник. 988-1015 гг. Серебро, 2,79г. Тип III, подтип II

Auction House «Rare Coins», Auction Nr. 20, Lot 227
Date: 8 June 2019


Russia. Киевская Русь. Князь Владимир Святославич. Сребреник. 988-1015 гг. Серебро, 2,79г. Тип III, подтип II. Аверс: князь сидит анфас на троне с высокой спинкой, круговая легенда. Реверс: трезубец, круговая легенда. Д. Камышан, А. Медник подобен 129. F 15. Привлекательный коллекционный экземпляр. Насыщенная серая патина. Очень редка. С экспертным заключением "Shiryakov&Co" за подписью В.В. Зайцева.

Starting Price: USD 1'400
Estimate: -
Realized: USD 1'900

 Kiew - Großfürstentum. Srebrenik o. J. Typ II (3,33 g)

H.D. Rauch, Auktion 108, Lot 753
Date: 5 June 2019


(D) RUSSLAND. Kiew - Großfürstentum. Srebrenik o. J. Typ II (3,33 g), CKR 83; Ausbrüche RR f.s.sch.

Starting Price: EUR 5'000
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 5'400

Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great (980-1015) silver Srebrennik ND UNC - scratch, edge chips, 24mm. 2.22gm

Heritage Auctions, Inc., Sale #3073, Session IV, Lot 31714
Date: 26 April 2019

Same as Lot 32205, Heritage Auctions, Inc., Sale #3067, Session IV, 11 September 2018


Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great (980-1015) silver Srebrennik ND UNC - scratch, edge chips, 24mm. 2.22gm. S&S Type I, 12-1 (same dies). Obv.: Enthroned figure of Grand Prince Vladimir in Byzantine-imperial dress with crown facing, tall cross-topped staff in right hand, pulling left towards chest; trizub to right; legend around reads Vladimir na stole ("Vladimir on the throne") in old cyrillic / half figure of Christ Pantocrator facing with nimbus cruciger, wearing extra curly beard, book of Gospels in left hand held to chest; legend around reads Vladimir, a se yego srebro ("Vladimir, and this is his silver"). An absolutely mint example of this extremely rare type of the first ruler of Kiev-Rus to be baptized, struck much nicer than most examples on a characteristically chipped flan. All of the details are remarkably deeply impressed with only the slightest traces of weakness in the design--an astonishing feat for these typically crude coins--the distinction between Vladimir's fingers, crown, and ornaments firmly defined and fully rendered. The script of the legends moreover appears refined and fully literate, with only a slight scratch extending downwards from the C to the right of Christ's bust. Established along the bustling trade routes linking the Byzantine Empire, Islamic World, and the Nordic lands, the early Viking settlement of Kiev-Rus was well-positioned at the crossroads of a vast monetary trade, though the Rus themselves initially possessed no minting tradition of their own. This fortunate geography not only brought them into contact with the Byzantine international gold coin par excellence, the histamenon nomisma, but also with an enormous volume of Arabic dirhams flowing out of the Abbasid Caliphate to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. While this flow had reached its height in the eastern Slavonic lands around the 9th century, by the closing decades of the 10th a dearth of silver hand become apparent in the Islamic world, bringing the export of dirhams to the West to a halt. It has been supposed by numerous scholars of early Russian numismatics (including Spassky) that this crisis of silver coin--the production of Byzantine silver in the form of miliaresia at this time also being largely minimal--in Slavic trade prompted Vladimir I to strike his own coins, the so-called srebrenniki (whose name literally means "silver") to try to supply for the earlier trade. Though the designs of these coins are clearly inspired by the nomismata of Basil II and Constantine VII, with the image of a seated imperial figure and the bust of Christ, their weight and fabric trace much more heavily from the broad, thin Arabic dirhams so prevalent in the 8th and 9th century trade, further evidence that the new coins were conceived to replace the old. Another, parallel possibility for their production was Vladimir's capture of the Byzantine mint city of Korsun around 990, which up to that point had been the only mint operating in Byzantine territory besides Constantinople. While the Grand Prince returned the city to the Eastern Emperors not long afterwards (as the bridegroom's gift for his marriage to the Emperor's sister Anna), it is highly likely that he brought minting officials together with priests and relics with him back to Kiev. Regardless of the foundational impetus, the srebrenniks seem to have failed at their initial goal, for after brief periods of production under Vladimir's sons Svyatopolk the Accursed and Yaroslav the Wise, Rus entered a centuries-long coinless period. At the time that I. G. Spassky's The Russian Monetary System was published, the number of known srebrenniks of all three rulers numbered only in the low 20s. Both the presence of clear Christian symbolism and the truly masterful level of execution on the present piece reveals interesting facts about its history, clearly struck after Vladimir's momentous baptism in 988, with the style and literacy of the legends pointing to an early period of manufacture in the series. For the collector and scholar of the early history of the Russian state alike, such an offering presents a unique opportunity not-to-be-missed.HID05401242017

Starting Price: USD 1'000
Estimate: USD 2'000-4'000
Realized: USD 3'360

Russia Serebrianik Coin of Vladimir I Type 978 - 1015 RARE Kamyshan# 56; Silver 3,1g

Katz Coins Notes & Supplies Corp., Jubilee Auction 20, Session II, Lot 2224
Date: 23 - 24 March 2019


Russia Serebrianik Coin of Vladimir I Type 978 - 1015 RARE Kamyshan# 56; Silver 3,1g.; The die pair is similar to the previous one;But the coin differs slightly from the previous coins;The princes coat is fastened with a fibula depicted with two beads; Rare

Starting Price: EUR 5
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 2450

Ruś Kijowska. Włodzimierz Wielki. Srebrnik X/XI w. Niezmiernie rzadka moneta w każdym stanie zachowania.Waga/Weight: 2,30 g

Antykwariat Numizmatyczny - Michal Niemczyk, Auction 18, Session I, Lot 63
Date: 15 - 17 December 2018



Ruś Kijowska. Włodzimierz Wielki. Srebrnik X/XI w. Niezmiernie rzadka moneta w każdym stanie zachowania.Waga/Weight: 2,30 g Ag Metal: Średnica/diameter: Stan zachowania/condition: 3-/4+ (VF-/F+)

Starting Price: PLN 2'000 (approx. USD 530)
Estimate: -
Realized: PLN 2'600 (approx. USD 690)

Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great (980-1015) silver Srebrennik ND UNC - scratch, edge chips, 24mm. 2.22gm. S&S Type I, 12-1

Heritage Auctions, Inc., Sale #3067, Session IV, Lot 32205
Date: 11 September 2018


Grand Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great (980-1015) silver Srebrennik ND UNC - scratch, edge chips, 24mm. 2.22gm. S&S Type I, 12-1 (same dies). Obv.: Enthroned figure of Grand Prince Vladimir in Byzantine-imperial dress with crown facing, tall cross-topped staff in right hand, pulling left towards chest; trizub to right; legend around reads Vladimir na stole ("Vladimir on the throne") in old cyrillic / half figure of Christ Pantocrator facing with nimbus cruciger, wearing extra curly beard, book of Gospels in left hand held to chest; legend around reads Vladimir, a se yego srebro ("Vladimir, and this is his silver"). An absolutely mint example of this extremely rare type of the first ruler of Kiev-Rus to be baptized, struck much nicer than most examples on a characteristically chipped flan. All of the details are remarkably deeply impressed with only the slightest traces of weakness in the design--an astonishing feat for these typically crude coins--the distinction between Vladimir's fingers, crown, and ornaments firmly defined and fully rendered. The script of the legends moreover appears refined and fully literate, with only a slight scratch extending downwards from the C to the right of Christ's bust. Established along the bustling trade routes linking the Byzantine Empire, Islamic World, and the Nordic lands, the early Viking settlement of Kiev-Rus was well-positioned at the crossroads of a vast monetary trade, though the Rus themselves initially possessed no minting tradition of their own. This fortunate geography not only brought them into contact with the Byzantine international gold coin par excellence, the histamenon nomisma, but also with an enormous volume of Arabic dirhams flowing out of the Abbasid Caliphate to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. While this flow had reached its height in the eastern Slavonic lands around the 9th century, by the closing decades of the 10th a dearth of silver hand become apparent in the Islamic world, bringing the export of dirhams to the West to a halt. It has been supposed by numerous scholars of early Russian numismatics (including Spassky) that this crisis of silver coin--the production of Byzantine silver in the form of miliaresia at this time also being largely minimal--in Slavic trade prompted Vladimir I to strike his own coins, the so-called srebrenniki (whose name literally means "silver") to try to supply for the earlier trade. Though the designs of these coins are clearly inspired by the nomismata of Basil II and Constantine VII, with the image of a seated imperial figure and the bust of Christ, their weight and fabric trace much more heavily from the broad, thin Arabic dirhams so prevalent in the 8th and 9th century trade, further evidence that the new coins were conceived to replace the old. Another, parallel possibility for their production was Vladimir's capture of the Byzantine mint city of Korsun around 990, which up to that point had been the only mint operating in Byzantine territory besides Constantinople. While the Grand Prince returned the city to the Eastern Emperors not long afterwards (as the bridegroom's gift for his marriage to the Emperor's sister Anna), it is highly likely that he brought minting officials together with priests and relics with him back to Kiev. Regardless of the foundational impetus, the srebrenniks seem to have failed at their initial goal, for after brief periods of production under Vladimir's sons Svyatopolk the Accursed and Yaroslav the Wise, Rus entered a centuries-long coinless period. At the time that I. G. Spassky's The Russian Monetary System was published, the number of known srebrenniks of all three rulers numbered only in the low 20s. Both the presence of clear Christian symbolism and the truly masterful level of execution on the present piece reveals interesting facts about its history, clearly struck after Vladimir's momentous baptism in 988, with the style and literacy of the legends pointing to an early period of manufacture in the series. For the collector and scholar of the early history of the Russian state alike, such an offering presents a unique opportunity not-to-be-missed.HID05401242017

Starting Price: USD 1'000
Estimate: USD 2'000
Realized: USD 7'200

Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.85 gm. Type I, Rublev V.

The New York Sale, Auction XLIV, Session I, Lot 2001
Date: 11 January 2018


Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.85 gm. Type I, Rublev V. - this coin. Standing, facing figure of Prince Vladimir holding long cross in his left hand, tamgha in right field, legend around / Facing, nimbate figure of Christ, beard formed of four pellets. An Extremely rare and historical coin. This coin type was chosen as the cover coin for the 2016 Rublev catalog. Edge clipped and ragged. Deep gray over some find patina and heavy scratches. Clear types. Very Fine.

Starting Price: USD 1'600
Estimate: USD 2'000
Realized: USD 2'300

Great Principality of Kiev. SvyaÆtopolk the

The New York Sale, Auction XLIV, Session I, Lot 2002
Date: 11 January 2018


Great Principality of Kiev. SvyaÆtopolk the "Damned", 1015-1019. Srebrennik. 3.42 gm. Type II. Rublev - this coin. With the name "Petros". Nimble figure of St. Peter standing facing, holding scepter / Two-armed tamgha with one end ending in cross. Extremely rare. Lightly clipped, holed. Old scratches on reverse. Very Fine.

Starting Price: USD 400
Estimate: USD 5'000
Realized: USD 6'000

Kievan Rus. Wladimir I Swjatoslawitsch (980 - 1015). Serebrenik ND, Typ I. Subtyp IV

BAC Numismatics, Auktion 6, Lot 529
Date: 26 October 2017


Russische Münzen und Medaillen, Russland bis 1699. Kievan Rus. Wladimir I Swjatoslawitsch (980 - 1015). Serebrenik ND, Typ I. Subtyp IV. Av.: Kyrillische Umschrift. Wladimir der gekrönter Herrscher, im rechten Feld ein Königliches Symbol. Rv.: HC-XC. Christus mit Nimbus. Silber. 2 g. D 26 mm. Stempelglanz. Von äußerster Seltenheit!

Starting Price: EUR 6'000
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 6'000

Wladimir I. 980-1015 Srebrennik o.J., Typ II

H.D. Rauch, Auction 103, Session 1, Lot 1097
Date: 23 - 24 March 2017


Wladimir I. 980-1015 Srebrennik o.J., Typ II. Winz. Schrötlingsriss, Prägeschwäche. Sehr selten in dieser Erhaltung! RRR vzgl.

Starting Price: EUR 6'000
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 6'000

Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 2.90 gm. Type I. Rublev V.

The New York Sale, Auction XLI, Lot 2001
Date: 12 January 2017


Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 2.90 gm. Type I. Rublev V. – this piece! Standing facing figure of Prince Vladimir holding long cross in his left hand, tamgha in right field, legend around /Facing nimbate figure of Christ, beard formed by four pellets, with an additional small pellet below, HC-XC (barred at top). Extremely rare and historically important. Tiny pieces of edge missing, decent surfaces. Deep slate-gray patina. Sharp details and legend visible. Extremely fine

Starting Price: USD 4'000
Estimate: USD 5'000
Realized: USD 6'500

Kievan Rus. Vladimir II Monomakh. 1113-1125. AR Srebrennik (25mm, 2.46 g, 12h). Type II

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., Triton XX, Session 3, Lot 1364
Date: 10 - 11 January 2017


RUSSIA, Kievan Rus. Vladimir II Monomakh. 1113-1125. AR Srebrennik (25mm, 2.46 g, 12h). Type II. Vlaidimir seated facing, holding jeweled cross / Trident. Cf. Sotnikova & Spasskij type II, 52-60; cf. O. Pritsak, The Origins of the Old Rus’ Weights and Monetary Systems. (Cambridge, MA. 1998), p. 127, 66-1. VF, wavy flan, very rare.

Starting Price: USD 1'200
Estimate: USD 2'000
Realized: USD 1'300

Kievan Rus'. Sviatopolk the Damned (1015-1019) billon Srebrennik ND VF - Corroded, Holed, cf. Sotnikova/Spassky-202

Heritage Auctions, Inc. | Auction #3051, Session 4, Lot 34404
Date: 8 - 9 January 2017


Kievan Rus'. Sviatopolk the Damned (1015-1019) billon Srebrennik ND VF - Corroded, Holed, cf. Sotnikova/Spassky-202. Grand Prince enthroned facing, holding cross / Tamgha with two limbs, one ending in a cross and a triquetra at the base with a pelleted cross located between the limbs, rather than above. An excellent example of this rare type issued during a brief rule, with a mostly complete flan and generally sharp details. Under a glass, it is clear that the surfaces have corroded somewhat and a pair of small holes are located at the base of each side. While this type closely resembles the previously mentioned catalog entry, the style of engraving seems finer overall, particularly when one observes the uniformity of the triquetra. While this offering should appeal to the specialists of this series, careful inspection of this lot is recommended prior to bidding.

Starting Price: USD 3'000
Estimate: USD 6'000
Realized: USD 3'400

Wladimir I. 980-1015 Srebrennik Typ I, (998-1010)

H.D. Rauch, Auction 102, Lot 1531
Date: 7 - 10 November 2016


Wladimir I. 980-1015 Srebrennik Typ I, (998-1010). Leichte Hornsilberauflagen, min. Randausbrüche, sehr selten in dieser Erhaltung. RRR vzgl.

Starting Price: EUR 9'500
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 9'500

Srebrennik Typ I, (998-1010)

H.D. Rauch, Auction 102, Lot 1532
Date: 7 - 10 November 2016


Srebrennik Typ I, (998-1010). Kl. Randausbrüche, sehr selten in dieser Erhaltung. RR vzgl.

Starting Price: EUR 4'000
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 4'000

Srebrennik Typ I, (998-1010). Kl

H.D. Rauch, Auction 102, Lot 1533
Date: 7 - 10 November 2016


Srebrennik Typ I, (998-1010). Kl. Randausbrüche, sehr selten in dieser Erhaltung. RR vzgl.

Starting Price: EUR 4'000
Estimate: -
Realized: -

Vladimir I. 980-1015, Srebrennik o.J. (Ende 10. Jh.) 2,75 g

Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger | Auction 324, Lot 3778
Date: 23 September 2016


Vladimir I. 980-1015, Srebrennik o.J. (Ende 10. Jh.). Nimbierte Büste Christi von vorn. Rs: Thronender Fürst von vorn. Spasski Fig. 31b vgl. Etwas unregelmäßiger Flan, Schrötlingsriß. 2,75 g. RRR ss-vz

Starting Price: EUR 2'000
Estimate: -
Realized: EUR 3'400

Kiew Wladimir I. 980-1015. Billon-Srebrennik.. Typ III

H.D. Rauch | Auction 101, Lot 777
Date: 19 - 20 April 2016


RUSSLAND Kiew (D) Wladimir I. 980-1015. Billon-Srebrennik.. Typ III. mit Expertise. Sehr selten in dieser Erhaltung!. kl. Randausbrüche. RRR vzgl.

Starting Price: EUR 4'000
Estimate: -
Realized: USD 5'200

Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.41 gm. Type I. Cf.S/S 29

The New York Sale | Auction XXXVIII, Lot 2001
Date: 6 January 2016


RUSSIAN COINS AND MEDALS, Pre-Petrine Coinage, Kievan Rus’, Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.41 gm. Type I. Cf.S/S 29. Standing facing figure of Prince Vladimir holding long cross in his left hand, his tamgha in the right field, legend around / Facing nimbate figure of Christ, his beard formed by four pellets, with an additional small pellet below, HC-XC (barred at top). Extremely rare and historically important. Ragged flan with pieces of edge missing, decent surfaces. Deep olive-green patina. Sharp details and fragments of legend visible. In terms of actual wear.Extremely fine $2,500

Starting Price: USD 2'000
Estimate: USD 2'500
Realized: USD 2'400

Kievan Rus’, Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 2.52 gm. Type II, ca. 1010-1015. S/S 71

The New York Sale | Auction XXXVIII, Lot 2002
Date: 6 January 2016


RUSSIAN COINS AND MEDALS, , Pre-Petrine Coinage, Kievan Rus’, Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 2.52 gm. Type II, ca. 1010-1015. S/S 71. Nimbate figure of Prince Vladimir standing facing, holding long cross in his left hand, his right hand on his chest, legend around / Vladimir’s trident tamgha. Very rare and historically important. Better than normally seen.Very fine $3,000

Starting Price: USD 2'400
Estimate: USD 3'000
Realized: Pending

Kievan Rus’, Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.65 gm. Type III. Cf.S/S 132

The New York Sale | Auction XXXVIII, Lot 2003
Date: 6 January 2016


RUSSIAN COINS AND MEDALS, Pre-Petrine Coinage, Kievan Rus’, Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.65 gm. Type III. Cf.S/S 132. Crowned figure of Prince Vladimir seated facing on a throne with a high-back, wearing a fibula and a necklace, holding long cross with both hands / the Prince’s tamgha, legend around. Very debased silver. Extremely rare. Ragged flan with pieces of edge missing, surface corrosion. In terms of actual wear.Fine $1,500

Starting Price: USD 1'200
Estimate: USD 1'500
Realized: Pending

Wladimir I. 980-1015 AE-Sebrennik, o.J. 3. Typ

H.D. Rauch
Auction 99, Lot 1281
Date: 8 - 9 December 2015


Wladimir I. 980-1015 AE-Sebrennik, o.J. 3. Typ. leicht gewellt, kl. Loch sch.

Estimate / Starting Price: EUR 900
Realized: EUR 1300

KIEW, Wladimir, 978-1015, 1/2 Srebrennik o.J. (ca.990-1000) 1,23g

Emporium Hamburg Münzhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Auction 74, Lot 1163
Date: 12 - 13 November 2015


RUSSLAND / KIEW, Wladimir, 978-1015, 1/2 Srebrennik o.J. (ca.990-1000). Nach byzantinischem Vorbild. 1,23g. s/ss

Estimate / Starting Price: EUR 113
Realized: EUR 125

KIEW, Wladimir, 978-1015, Srebrennik o.J. (ca.990-1000) 1,49g

Emporium Hamburg Münzhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Auction 74, Lot 1164
Date: 12 - 13 November 2015


RUSSLAND / KIEW, Wladimir, 978-1015, Srebrennik o.J. (ca.990-1000). Nach byzantinischem Vorbild. 1,49g. s/ss

Estimate / Starting Price: EUR 405
Realized: EUR 450

 KIEW, Wladimir, 978-1015, Srebrennik o.J. (ca.990-1000) 1,79g

Emporium Hamburg Münzhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Auction 74, Lot 1165
Date: 12 - 13 November 2015


RUSSLAND / KIEW, Wladimir, 978-1015, Srebrennik o.J. (ca.990-1000). Nach byzantinischem Vorbild. 1,79g. gelocht, ss

Estimate / Starting Price: EUR 450
Realized: EUR 500

Wladimir I. 980-1015. Billon-Srebrennik. Typ IV

H.D. Rauch
Auction 98, Lot 1707
Date: 21 - 23 September 2015


Wladimir I. 980-1015. Billon-Srebrennik. Typ IV. mit Expertise. kl. Loch, leichte Randausbrücke RR s.sch. Экспертное заключение Nr. 2015-019 (Эксперты : Хаврин С.В., канд. ист. наук Моисеенко Н.С.). Среберник Владимира Святославича (тип IV), Древняя Русь, начало 9 века, серебро, чеканка. Соотношение сторон у монеты ^^. В нижней части монеты, недалеко от края имеется отвертствие. Края монеты слегка обломаны. Надписи на лицевой стороне по часовой стрелке "+ВЛАЛНМНРЭ СЭРЭ", на оборотной стороне тоже по часовой – "SPO V+C S СВЯТАГО В....ЛЯ". Выполнены короткими уверенными линиями. Особенности надписи и изображения позволяют отнести монету к IV типу среберников Владимира с его крестильным именем- Владимир. Штемпельная пара полностью совпадает со сребрениками Владимира №№ 175.1, 2, 3, 4 (из Нежинского клада 1852 года) , Сотникова М.П. Корпус древнейших русских монет X-XI веков М.,1995. С.95)3. На основании палеографического анализа надписей, изучения изображений на монете, а также сплава монета признается подлинной и, как следствие, ей присваивается №175.6 по Корпусу древнерусских монет.

Estimate / Starting Price: EUR 5'000
Realized: EUR 6'500

Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Fraktion eines Srebrenik

Gorny & Mosch
Auction 230, Lot 5001
Date: 11 - 12 March 2015


Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Fraktion eines Srebrenik o.J. Hüftbild des Fürsten mit Zepter, Umschrift unten links beginnend. / Bb. Christi mit Kreuznimbus von vorne. 2,64 g. Sotnikowa/Spasski Typ I. RR! Dunkle Patina, ss

Estimate: EUR 400
Starting Price: EUR 500

Realized: EUR 900

Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Fraktion eines Srebrenik

Gorny & Mosch
Auction 230, Lot 5002
Date: 11 - 12 March 2015


(•) Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Fraktion eines Srebrenik. o.J. Der thronende Fürst hält das Zepter quer über seine linke Schulter. 1,37 g. Sotnikowa/Spasski Typ III, vgl. 151 var. RR! Gelocht, dunkle Patina, ss

Estimate: EUR 500
Starting Price: EUR 400

Realized: EUR 425

Great Principality of Kiev. Svyatopolk the “Damned”, 1015-1019. Srebrennik. 2.85 gm. Cf.S/S 178

Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals / Baldwin's Auctions / M & M Numismatics
The New York Sale, Auction XXXVI, Lot 2001
Date: 8 January 2015


Great Principality of Kiev. Svyatopolk the “Damned”, 1015-1019. Srebrennik. 2.85 gm. Cf.S/S 178. Enthroned facing figure of Prince Svyatopolk, wearing hat with a cross, and holding long cross in his right hand, legend around / Two-armed tamgha with one arm ending in a cross. The cross is within a quadrilobe, and contains a pellet at the center, top and left and right terminus, the bottom is an inverted “V”. Extremely rare and far more elusive than issues of Vladimir I. The alloy appears to contain a high content of silver. Unusually full flan. Heavy wear. Good Fine

Estimate / Starting Price: USD 3'200
Realized: USD 4'000

Swiatopolk I., 1015 - 1018. Fraktion eines Srebrenik

Gorny & Mosch
Auction 226, Lot 6001
Date: 16 - 17 October 2014


Swiatopolk I., 1015 - 1018. Fraktion eines Srebrenik o.J. Ca. 60 % erhalten. Thronender Fürst nimbiert, mit Kreuzstab von vorn. Teile einer Umschrift. / Tamgha des Fürsten, erinnert an ein Kirchengebäude mit Kreuzturm. 3,13 g. Sotnikowa/Spasski vgl. zum Typ 186 f. Fundstück. RRR! Fleckige Patina, ss

Estimate: EUR 1'000
Starting Price: EUR 800
Price Realized: EUR 1'100

Kiew Wladimir I. 980-1015 (D) Billon-Srebrennik.. Typ I. (998-1010)

H.D. Rauch
Auction 95, Lot 1400
Date: 30 September - 2 October 2014


RUSSLAND Kiew Wladimir I. 980-1015 (D) Billon-Srebrennik.. Typ I. (998-1010). Av.: X / ) - ) I. Christus mit Nimbus. Rv.: Kyrillische Umschrift. Wladimir der gekrönter Herrscher, im rechten Feld ein Königliches Symbol. übliche Randausbrüche. Sehr selten in dieser Erhaltung! RRR s.sch.-vzgl.

Estimate / Starting Price: EUR 2'000
Price Realized: EUR 3'200

Kiev, Vladimir the Great (980-1015), Silver Srebrennik, type 1, fragment

Baldwin's Auctions
Auctions 90 & 91, Lot 3689
Date: 24 - 25 September 2014


EUROPEAN COINS, RUSSIA Kiev, Vladimir the Great (980-1015), Silver Srebrennik, type 1, fragment of about 70%, facing figure of Vladimir holding cross in left hand, rev facing Christ (cf Sotnikova/Spassky 15-1). Corrosion spots, buckled, images crisp and clear, very fine and very rare. £600-800

Estimate: GBP 600
Starting Price: GBP 480
Price Realized: GBP 750

 Kiev, Vladimir the Great, Silver Srebrennik, type 3

Baldwin's Auctions
Auctions 90 & 91, Lot 3690
Date: 24 - 25 September 2014


EUROPEAN COINS, RUSSIA Kiev, Vladimir the Great, Silver Srebrennik, type 3, 90% complete, facing seated figure of Vladimir holding slanting cross in right hand, rev tamgha (cf Sotnikova/Spassky 116-119). Flan chips and splits, very fine and very rare. £3000-4000

Estimate: GBP 3'000
Starting Price: GBP 2'400
Price Realized: GBP 3'000

Kiev, Sviatopolk I (1015-1018), Silver Srebrennik

Baldwin's Auctions
Auctions 90 & 91, Lot 3691
Date: 24 - 25 September 2014


EUROPEAN COINS, RUSSIA Kiev, Sviatopolk I (1015-1018), Silver Srebrennik, facing seated figure of Vladimir holding vertical cross in right hand, rev tamgha (cf Sotnikova/Spassky 184). Flan crack and chips, corrosion hole and spots, good fine for issue, very rare. £5000-6000

Estimate: GBP 5'000
Starting Price: GBP 4'000
Price Realized: GBP 5'200

Serebrenik, ND. Vladimir Sviatoslavich as Grand Prince of Kiev (980-1015) Sot & Spas-22-1; Kaim-pg 4013

Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio
The August 2014 Chicago ANA Auction - Sessions A & B, Lot 1394
Date: 5 - 7 August 2014


RUSSIA. Serebrenik, ND. Vladimir Sviatoslavich as Grand Prince of Kiev (980-1015). Sot & Spas-22-1; Kaim-pg 4013. VERY RARE. Well struck and centered giving full legends (save for the damaged areas). With a considerable edge chip running from about 3 to 5 o'clock as well as a small hole at 10 o'clock and a small chip at 11 o'clock. A RARE and interesting feudal piece. VERY FINE.

Starting Price: USD 2'400
Price Realized: USD 4'000

Great Principality of Kiev. Svyatopolk I. 1015-1018. Srebrenik (1,71 g)

H.D. Rauch
Auction 94 - Part 3
Date: 10 April 2014

http://www.sixbid.com/browse.html?auction=1221&category=25598&lot=1121919 (Original link, no longer active)

Great Principality of Kiev. Svyatopolk I. 1015-1018. Srebrenik (1,71 g), Obv: Prince with cross and left hand on heart. Rev: Princely seal - trident. Sotnikova/Spasski:Typ III.; partially fractured, holed, RRR, fine / very fine

Estimate / Starting Price: EUR 2,500
Realized: EUR 5,400

Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.79 gm. Type I. S/S 1.1. 18

Baldwin / Dmitry Markov Coins and Medals
The New York Sale | Auction XXXIII, Lot 1001
Date: 9 January 2014


RUSSIAN COINS. Pre-Petrine Coinage. Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, the Great, 980-1015. Srebrennik. 1.79 gm. Type I. S/S 1.1. 18. Standing facing figure of Prince Vladimir holding long cross inis left hand, his tamgha in the right field, legend around / Facing nimbate figure of Christ, legend around. Ragged flan with pieces of the edge missing, surface corrosion and hoard staining. Still, good type details and parts of legend visible. Extremely rare and historically important. In terms of actual wear - Very fine US$3,000

Estimate: USD 3,000
Realized: USD 3,200

Vladimir the Great. Fragment of a Srebrennik.0.86 gm. Type III

Baldwin / Dmitry Markov Coins and Medals
The New York Sale | Auction XXXIII, Lot 1002
Date: 9 January 2014


RUSSIAN COINS. Pre-Petrine Coinage. Vladimir the Great. Fragment of a Srebrennik.0.86 gm. Type III. Vladimir / Vladimir’s tamgha (trident). Very rare. Srebrenniks are commonly found as fragments. An inexpensive opportunity to own historically important piece. In Terms of actual wear - Very fine US$ 750

Estimate: USD 750
Realized: USD 650

Note: this item has been reported to be a fake

Lot 4605. Kiev. Vladimir Sviatoslavich (978-1015), Srebrenik of Type IV, 3.5g

Baldwin's Auctions 83, Russian Coins, Lot 4605
Date: 24 September, 2013


Lot 4605. Kiev. Vladimir Sviatoslavich (978-1015), Srebrenik of Type IV, 3.5g, prince enthroned holding cross, ВЛАДИМИРЪ H, rev trident symbol of Vladimir, А СТОЛЕ А СЕ ЕГО СРЕБРО (“Vladimir is on the throne and this is his silver”), (Sotnikova 168; cf Sp 32:3). Some cracks to edge of flan as usual, otherwise extremely fine and extremely rare in this condition. ex Dmitry Markov Auction no 7, New York, 30 September 1999, lot 602 (US$18,450)

Estimate: GBP 8000-12,000.
Realized: GBP 13,000

Kiev. Vladimir I billon Srebrennik ND (980-1015)

Heritage Auctions
Long Beach Signature Sale 3020, Lot 24563
Date: 7 September, 2012



Kiev. Vladimir I billon Srebrennik ND (980-1015), Spassky Fig. 32, var., Vladimir enthroned holding scepter and orb / Royal symbol of Rurick, 2.68 g, VF with small flan crack. One of the earliest Russian silver based coins, and extremely rare. This piece is a different type from all in Spassky Fig. 32.

Estimate: USD 4,000-5,000
Realized: USD 9,000

Vladimir Svjatoslavovich, 978-1015, debased AR srebrenik (2.06g), Kiev, ND, Sotnikova, subtype 17

Stephen Album Rare Coins, 19 May, 2012
Sale 13, Lot
RUSSIA (Principality of Kiev): Vladimir Svjatoslavovich, 978-1015, debased AR srebrenik (2.06g), Kiev, ND, Sodnikova, subtype 17, nimbate facing bust of Christ, holding the Gospels / Vladimir entrhoned, holding cross-sceptre, with royal symbol of Rurick in right field, Cyrillic text around, partly chipped (as usual), strong Very Fine, RRR, Zeno-25072 (this piece). This is the first type of Russian coins ever struck, almost never available unchipped.

Estimate USD 3,500-4,500. 
USD 2,900 

Note: this item has been reported to be a fake

Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Srebrenik, um 1010-1015

Gorny & Mosch, Auction 173
Date: 17-18 October, 2008

SLG. RUSSLAND KIEW Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Srebrenik, um 1010-1015. Hüftbild des Fürsten mit Kreuzstab, die Linke aufs Herz gelegt. / Tamgha des Fürsten. 2,29 g. Sotnikowa/Spasski Typ II. Von äußerster Seltenheit! RRR! Graue Patina, Oberfläche korrodiert, kl. SF am Rand, s-ss ex Markov, New York, Briefauktion 9, 14.-15.12.2000, Nr. 310

Estimate: EUR 2,500
Realized: EUR 2,000

Gorny & Mosch, Auction 157, Lot 4011
Date: 07.03.2007

Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Srebrenik, Ende 10. Jh. Hüftbild des Fürsten mit Zepter, Umschrift links unten beginnend. / Bb. Christi. 2,92 g. Sotnikowa/Spasski Typ I. Prachtexemplar. Selten in dieser Erhaltung! RRR! Dunkle Patina, min. Auflagen, vz/ss

Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 120, Objekt-Nr.: 6178
Date: 16.10.2002

Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Srebrenik, Ende 10. Jh. Hüftbild des Fürsten mit Zepter, Umschrift links unten beginnend. / Bb. Christi. Sotnikowa/Spasski Typ I, Nr. 15. Von äußerster Seltenheit! RRR! Kleine Randausbrüche, fleckige Patina, gutes ss

Gorny & Mosch, Auction 143, Objekt-Nr.: 5740
Date: 12.10.2005

Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Srebrenik, um 1010-1015. Hüftbild des Fürsten mit Kreuzstab, die Linke aufs Herz gelegt. / Tamgha des Fürsten. 2,29 g. Sotnikowa/Spasski Typ II. Von äußerster Seltenheit! RRR! Gereinigt, rauhe Oberfläche, kl. RF, ss ex Markov, New York, Briefauktion 9, 14.-15.12.2000, Nr. 310

Estimate: € 10.000,00
Realized: € 0,00

Zeno #20223: RUS', (Saint) Vladimir I., 980-1015, AR srebrenik

Ex Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 136, 14.10.2004, Lot 6001 Wladimir I., 980 - 1015. Srebrenik, um 1015. Auf Sessel thronender Fürst mit Krone, den Kreuzstab über die Schulter gelegt, die Linke aufs Herz. / Tamgha des Fürsten. 2,63 g. Sotnikowa/Spasski Typ III. Von äußerster Seltenheit! RRR! Dunkle Patina, s­ss

Estimate: € 8.000,00
Realized: € 0,00

Srebrennik Ex Aurea, Auction 11, 15 May 2004, Lot 2001

Ex Aurea, Auction 11, 15 May 2004, Lot 2001

Srebrenik, Sedící kníže na trůně čelně, drží kříž, opis / Knížecí znak Vladimíra Svatoslaviče, opis. Sotnikova-Spasskij typ 3, 117-119, okraj, RRRR!, -1/1-

Estimate: 370000,- Kč
Realized: unsold

Ex CNG, Inc., Triton IX, Lot 1989. Closing Date: Jan 09, 2006.

RUSSIA, Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I. 980-1015. BI Srebrennik (2.88 g, 6h). Type I, struck circa 988-1010. HC XC, nimbate facing bust of Christ, hand raised in blessing and holding Gospels; rosettes in nimbus arms / "Vladimir on the throne" in Cyrillic, the prince enthroned, holding cross-sceptre; royal symbol of Rurick in right field. Sotnikova & Spassky 28-1 (same dies); Chernetsov pl. I, 2; Spassky fig. 31.2. Good VF, toned, fragments broken from edge. An extremely rare and historically important specimen of the first Russian coin. ($10,000)

Estimate: $10,000
Realized: -

#24119: Ex CNG, Inc., Triton IX, Lot: 1991. Closing Date: Jan 09, 2006.

RUSSIA, Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I. 980-1015. BI Srebrennik (1.82 g, 12h). Type IV, struck circa 1015. "Vladimir on (the throne)" in Cyrillic, the prince enthroned, holding cross on steps / Royal symbol of Rurick. Sotnikova & Spassky 168-1 (same dies); Chernetsov pl. I, 6; Spassky fig. 32.3. Good VF, porous surfaces, ragged edge. ($10,000)<.p>

Estimate: $10,000
Realized: -

Note: this item has been reported to be a fake

Principality of Kiev Vladimir I 980-1015. BI Srebrennik (3.15 g, 12h). Type III

Classical Numismatic Group
Sale: Triton IX, Lot: 1990.
Date: 9 January 2006

RUSSIA, Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I. 980-1015. BI Srebrennik (3.15 g, 12h). Type III, struck circa 1010-1015. "Vladimir on the throne" in Cyrillic, the prince enthroned, holding cross-sceptre and orb / Royal symbol of Rurick. Sotnikova & Spassky 144; cf. Chernetsov pl. I, 3; Spassky fig. 32.2. Good VF, deep flan crack. ($10,000)

Estimate: USD 10,000. 
Realized: USD 9,000.

Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I. 980-1015. Billon Srebrennik (2.15 gm). Type I

Classical Numismatic Group
Sale: Triton VII, Lot: 1198.
Date: 12 January 2004.

RUSSIA, Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I. 980-1015. Billon Srebrennik (2.15 gm). Type I, struck circa 988-1010. IC XC, Nimbate facing bust of Christ, hand raised in benediction and holding Gospels; rosettes in nimbus arms / "Vladimir on the throne", the prince enthroned, holding sceptre; royal symbol in right field. Sotnikova & Spassky 26; Chernetsov pl. I, 2; cf. Spassky fig. 31.2. Good VF for type, slightly wavy flan with ragged edge. An extremely rare and historically important specimen of the first Russian coin. ($10,000)

Estimate: USD 10,000. 
Realized: USD 9,500.

Note: this item has been reported to be a fake

Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, The Great, 980-1015, Srebrennik, Sotnikova/Spassky 55, type II, same die, 2.29 grams

2004 (HWCA) New York Signature Sale #340 - Session 2
Date: January 2004
Great Principality of Kiev. Vladimir I, The Great, 980-1015, Srebrennik, Sotnikova/Spassky 55, type II, same die, 2.29 grams. Nimbate figure of Prince Vladimir holding cross in left hand/Tamga (trident) and legends. Crude VF, cleaned and rough surfaces. Extremely rare and important issue. Ex: Markov 9/310 where it was Estimated at USD 12,000 and sold for USD 12,700.

Kiev Srebrennik Sotnikova page 96-104 Silver with Expert Papers XF Lot 2773

Dmitry Markov Coins and Medals
Auction no 7, New York, Lot 601
Date: 30 September 1999

601 Great Principality of Kiev. VLADIMIR I, THE GREAT, 980-1915. Srebrennik. 1.82 gm. Type II. Ca. 1010-1015. Sotnikova/Spassky 71 (same die). Nimbate figure of Prince Vladimir holding cross in left hand. His right hand is on his chest. Legend starts at 8:00. All in double beaded border / Vladimir's tamgha (trident), legend. All in beaded border. Of the Greatest Rarity and historic value. Cleaned. Broken flan. Otherwise very nice and clear. Better preserved than most known specimens VF   10,000. 

Estimate: USD 10,000. 
Realized: no data

Note: this item has been reported to be a fake

VLADIMIR I THE GREAT, 980-1915. Srebrennik. 3.49 gm. Type IV. Ca. 1014-1015. Sotnikova/Spassky 168 (same die)

Dmitry Markov Coins and Medals
Auction no 7, New York, Lot 602
Date: 30 September 1999

602 VLADIMIR I THE GREAT, 980-1915. Srebrennik. 3.49 gm. Type IV. Ca. 1014-1015. Sotnikova/Spassky 168 (same die). Nimbate figure of Prince Vladimir enthroned holding cross in left hand. His right hand is on his chest. Legend starts at 8:00. All in double beaded border / Vladimir's tamgha (trident), legend. All in double beaded border. Of the Greatest Rarity and historic value. Well-centered. Well preserved EF   15,000. See color plate  

Estimate: USD 15,000. 
Realized: USD 18,450.

Kiev Srebrennik Sotnikova page 96-104 Silver with Expert Papers XF Lot 2773

Dmitry Markov Coins and Medals
Auction no 7, New York, Lot 603
Date: 30 September 1999

603 SVIATOPOLK I, 1015-1018. Srebrennik. 2.54 gm. Overstruck on Srebrennik of Vladimir, type III. Sotnikova/ Spassky 179 (same die). Nimbate figure of Prince Sviatopolk enthroned holding cross in left hand. His right hand is on his chest. Legend starts at 8:00. All in double beaded border / Sviatopolk's tamga (bident), legend. All in double beaded border. Of the Greatest Rarity and historic value. Minor metal flow by the edge VF   12,500.

Estimate: USD 12,500. 
Realized: No data.

Lot 28. Srebrenik of Vladimir of Type I. Silver 2,09 gr.

Auction House Alexander
Sale: Auction 18.
Date: 17 December 2011.

Lot 28. Srebrenik of Vladimir of Type I. Silver 2,09 gr. Obverse: Duke in the hat with pendants. Cross with a long handle in the right hand. Next to the left shoulder - the symbol of princely power - the trident. Legend: "ВЛАДИМИРЪ А СЕ ЕГО С". Reverse: Nimbate bust of Jesus Christ. On the sides legend "ИС ХС". Sotnikova 33-1. VF 35. Excellent condition. Exceptionally rare, especially in such condition. Accompanied by the expertise of the GIM Friends Society singed by V.V. Zaitsev.

Estimate: USD 8,000 (RUB 240000). 
Realized: -

Lot 29. Сребреник Владимира III типа. Серебро 3,61 г.

Auction House Alexander
Sale: Auction 18.
Date: 17 December 2011.


Lot 29. Сребреник Владимира III типа. Серебро 3,61 г. На аверсе изображен князь на престоле с высокой спинкой. У правого плеча крест на длинном древке. Надпись аверса: "ВЛАДИМИРЪ НА СТОЛЕ". На реверсе изображен княжеский знак в виде трезубца. По окружности надпись: "А СЕ ЕГО СРЕБРО". Сотникова 145. VF 25. Данная монета относится к разновидности, которая встречается у сребреников, найденных в знаменитом Нежинском кладе 1852 года. Very rare. Accompanied by the expertise of the GIM Friends Society singed by V.V. Zaitsev.

Estimate: USD 8,000 (RUB 240000). 
Realized: -

Lot 41. Srebrennik of Vladimir Type II. Silver 2.40 gr.

Auction House Alexander
Sale: Auction 17.
Date: 24 September 2011.

Lot 41. Srebrennik of Vladimir Type II. Silver 2.40 gr. Obverse legend: "…Н(?)РД ЕРА", reverse legend: " ЕСТЕЕ ЕГ…О". На реверсе изображён княжеский знак в виде трезубца. Сотникова 76-1 . В результате исследования данной монеты в ОН Государственного Эрмитажа, ей присвоен №237 в дополнении к каталогу Сотниковой. VF 20. Края монеты в нескольких местах обломаны. От краёв идут к центру несколько небольших трещин. Известно не более 100 экземпляров монет данного типа. Extremely rare. Accompanied by the expertise of the GIM Friends Society singed by V.V. Zaitsev.

Estimate: USD 6000 (RUB 168000)
Realized: -

Lot 42. Сребреник Владимира III типа. Серебро 3,13 г.

Auction House Alexander
Sale: Auction 17.
Date: 24 September 2011.

Lot 42. Сребреник Владимира III типа. Серебро 3,13 г. На реверсе изображён княжеский знак в виде трезубца. Сотникова 133-1. В результате исследования данной монеты в ОН Государственного Эрмитажа, ей присвоен №141 в дополнении к каталогу Сотниковой. VG 8. Ровный кружок. Без существенных повреждений краёв монеты. Известно не более 75 экземпляров монет данного типа. Extremely rare. Accompanied by the expertise of the GIM Friends Society singed by V.V. Zaitsev.

Estimate: USD 6000 (168000 руб.)
Realized: -

Lot 43. Сребреник Владимира IV типа. Серебро 3,51 г.

Auction House Alexander
Sale: Auction 17.
Date: 24 September 2011.

Lot 43. Сребреник Владимира IV типа. Серебро 3,51 г. Широкое поле за двойным бусинным ободком. Видна практически вся надпись. На аверсе: "ЛIДН МНГЪ N", на реверсе: "А СТОЛЕ… СЕ ЕГО СРЕГго" На реверсе изображён княжеский знак в виде трезубца. Сотникова 168-1. В результате исследования данной монеты в ОН Государственного Эрмитажа, ей присвоен №200 в дополнении к каталогу Сотниковой. F 15. Превосходная сохранность изображений на монете. Экземпляр слегка обломан по краю, имеются 2-е трещины. Известно не более 35 экземпляров монет данного типа. Исключительно редка. С экспертным заключением ГИМа за подписью В.В. Зайцева.

Estimate: USD 12000 (336000 руб.)
Realized: -

Lot 44. Сребреник Святополка. Серебро 1,67 г.

Auction House Alexander
Sale: Auction 17.
Date: 24 September 2011.

Lot 44. Сребреник Святополка. Серебро 1,67 г. Надписи аверса: "Т… .Г СТОЛ+", реверса: "+А СЕ ЕГО СРЕГРО" . Сотникова 177-1. В результате исследования данной монеты в ОН Государственного Эрмитажа, ей присвоен №251 в дополнении к каталогу Сотниковой. VF 30. Уникальная сохранность. Лёгкий штемпельный блеск. Известно не более 60 экземпляров монет данного типа. Исключительно редка, особенно в подобном состоянии. С экспертным заключением Общества друзей ГИМа за подписью В.В. Зайцева.

Estimate: USD 15000 (420000 руб.)
Realized: -

Lot 45. Сребреник Святополка с именем Петрос. Серебро 2,58 г.

Auction House Alexander
Sale: Auction 17.
Date: 24 September 2011.

Lot 45. Сребреник Святополка с именем "Петрос". Серебро 2,58 г. На аверсе изображён апостол Пётр, на реверсе помещено изображение родового княжеского знака в виде двузубца, левый зубец увенчан крестом. Надписи аверса: "ПЕТРОС", реверса: "+.ЕТРОС О.ГЕОС" . Сотникова 206-1. В результате исследования данной монеты в ОН Государственного Эрмитажа, ей присвоен №168 в дополнении к каталогу Сотниковой. F 15. Превосходное состояние для монеты данного типа. Монета слегка обломана по краю. Известно не более 6 экземпляров монет данного типа. Редчайший экземпляр. С экспертным заключением Общества друзей ГИМа за подписью В.В. Зайцева.

Estimate: USD 15000 (420000 руб.)
Realized: -

Private Sales and Offers
